Red Head DL-SOS Soushuuhen – The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya

Molly was sitting in the fourth row and trying to act interested while Professor Dixon droned on about the rules of search and seizure! He was just starting to explain how the fourth amendment came into play, when out of the blue, the door to the lecture hall burst open, and a man raced over to the professor, screamed something at him, and then pulled out a gun, aimed it at Professor Dixon, fired it, and then just as quickly as he had appeared, tore out of the room and was gone!!! There was utter pandemonium while fifty five second year law students tried to comprehend what had just transpired in front of them!!! Finally, one of the men in the front row jumped up and ran over to see how badly the professor had been shot, and much to the amazement of everyone in the room, he stood up, brushed himself off, and said casually, “All of you have just witnessed a murder, for tomorrow's assignment, I want each and every one of you to write down exactly what you saw!!!” “Don't collaborate with any of your fellow students, as this is test to see how well you can recall certain events that occurred right in front of you,” he continued, “as some of you may have noticed, there is a video camera in the rear of the hall that hopefully recorded the entire incident for shall we say the sake of posterity!!!” “Okay, class,” he added, “that's all for today, see you manana!!!” The room was a buzz as everyone filed out into the hall talking about “the murder”, that is, everyone except Molly, who stayed glued to her seat while waiting for the room to clear!!! Now she had to find a way to make it across the campus without being seen to change her clothes!!! As she walked to the door and peeked out side to see if the coast was clear, the reason for her discomfort was clearly evident on the seat of her blue jeans, during all the commotion, Molly had lost control of her bladder and peed in her pants!!! Ever since she was a little girl Molly had had trouble controlling her water, but only after she had gotten to college, had the problem turned more serious, and the embarrassment of it all kept her from confiding her secret to anyone!!! Even more alarming, while in her younger days it had just more or less been an inconvenience to be dealt with, as she had gotten older, the act of involuntary urination became coupled with extreme sexual arousal!!! For example, today in the lecture hall when the intruder fired off his gun, as Molly let loose with a torrent of piss into her panties, her clit automatically erected and climaxed in a matter of seconds, leaving her not only soaking wet from her urine, but totally drained and spent from her involuntary orgasm!!! And these were not your run of the mill orgasms that you could get from masturbating, they were brutally hard and vicious in their intensity and suddenness, which could in some cases actually cause her to cry out do to her excitement!!! Today in class, she had actually made quite a bit of noise, but luckily it was masked by the echoing of the shots as well as the screams from her fellow students!!! Lately, it had gotten to the point that even if she relieved herself in a normal fashion, she would become at the least very aroused, and at the worst have a soft to mild orgasm!!! Back in her dorm room she had just removed her wet things when the urge to urinate over took her and she scurried into the bathroom, plopped down on the toilet, and let loose with a hard stream of pee!!! Immediately her cunt wrenched as another orgasm wafted through her pussy, and thinking she was alone, she let out long low moan as pee dripped dribbled slowly from her now bulging pussy lips!!! She sat on the pot, lost in her own thoughts, when like a slap to the face a voice asked seriously, “Molly, are you all right, you sounded almost like you were in pain!?!”

Completely embarrassed, a red faced Molly jumped up grabbed a towel to cover her nakedness and stammered, “Uh, Barb, I didn't know you were here, I thought you had a biology test to take!!!” “It was postponed,” Barb replied, “the professor was sick or something, are you sure you're okay, you don't look to good, hon!?!” “I'm just fine, Barb,” Molly replied while pushing past her into the living area, “now it you'll excuse me I have to get dressed and get to my next class!!!” “Uh, sure, Mol,” Barb said in a slightly confused voice, “I was just worried about ya, no problem, sorry for the intrusion!!!” Barb sat down at her desk while Molly pulled on a pair of panties and jeans, and she was just about to crack open her biology book when she noticed the wet pants and panties lying over on the floor in a heap! She walked over and picked them up and asked softly, “Are you sure you're okay, Molly, it looks like you've had a little trouble?!?” Aghast, Molly looked at her friend and dropped to the bed and broke down sobbing!!!

Ten minutes later after having listened to her roomie pour out her heart and explain her whole situation, Barb asked slowly, “You mean that every time you go pee you have a climax?!?” Molly nodded her head yes and went on, “It's gotten to the point where I try not to even drink any fluids, cuz I know that in an hour or so I'm gonna have to go and then, you know, I'll have another one!!!” “Are they, you know, like if you're with a guy,” Barb asked seriously?!? “Well,” Molly replied, “I've never actually been with a guy, but from what I understand they're just about the same!!!” “Wow,” Barb said with a trace of envy in her voice, “I know it must be inconvenient, but it must be great when you really feel like having one, and orgasm I mean!!!” “Well,” Molly replied softly, “sometimes it can be even better than good, like yesterday, I had to go so bad I didn't think I was gonna be able to make it home!!!” “I practically ran the last two blocks and barely made it to the toilet,” she continued, “and it just gushed out and I really had a big one, I couldn't move for five minutes, I was just wrecked!!!” “Is that why you shave you lips,” Barb asked?!? “Yeah,” Molly replied, “since I have so many accidents, it's just cleaner if I don't have any fur down there, it's easier to keep it fresh!!!” “I don't want you to think that all I do is stare at your pussy,” Barb continued, “but I couldn't help noticing that you lips are super plump and always seem to be sexually aroused!!!” Again shaking her head in the affirmative, Molly answered, “I guess they are pretty much turned on all of the time, because since I cum when ever I go potty, they never really get a chance to relax, so they're always at the ready!!!” “Can I ask you a favor,” Barb said softly?!? “Sure,” Molly replied, “shoot!!!” Getting up and going over to the small refrigerator, Barb grabbed a couple of diet soft drinks and tossed one to Molly and said, “I wanna see you do it, so drink up!!!”

An hour later, and after three twelve ounce cans of soda, Molly was fidgeting on the bed and practically begging Barb let her go into the bathroom and relieve herself!!! “Just a little longer, hon,” Barb intoned sternly, “from what you tell me, you have much harder orgasms when your bladder is under a great deal of pressure, but I'll let you do one thing, you can take off your jeans and panties to get ready!!!” Molly nearly tore them off as she pace back and forth across the room, walking with her thighs pressed hard together in and attempt to keep her pee from dripping out of her cunt!!! “You can go in three minutes,” Barb said easily, “but first you have to do one thing for me!!!” “What is it this time,” Molly moaned, “I can't take much more of this!?!” “Just come over here, sit down, and spread your legs so that I can see what your pussy looks like before you do it,” Barb ordered!!! Molly knew that until she did as she was told Barb wouldn't allow her to use the bathroom, so she quickly sat down and fairly threw her legs open, exposing her dripping, drooling, and flushed lips for Barb to see!!!

Oh, my,” Barb said under her breath, “you're totally ready to blow, your pussy's all puffed up and literally dripping!!! “You're telling me something I don't already know,” Molly questioned through clenched teeth, “may I please go now!?!” “Okay,” Barb said excitedly, “but not in the toilet, get in the shower and do it, I wanna see your pussy when you pee and cum!!!” “Okay, okay,” Molly replied while she raced towards the bathroom, “anything you say, just let's hurry please!!!” Barb could barely keep up as Molly leaped into the shower and turned to face her friend with her legs partially spread and said urgently, “I can't hold it any longer, here it comes!!!” Barb's eyes were riveted to Molly's bulging sex when out of nowhere, a fire hose stream of piss spewed from Molly's organ and an incredible orgasm whipsawed the young woman like an avalanche of snow tearing down a mountain!!! Molly was close to blacking out, but luckily Barb was close enough to grab her by the arm and guide her safely to the shower floor where she lay crumpled in a heap!!!

After a long hot shower, Molly emerged from the bathroom with a sheepish smile on her face!!! “How do you feel now,” asked Barb!?! “”Pretty good,” Molly replied, “but if we play that game to often I won't be able to stand up!!!” “Well,” her friend answered with a smile, “I guess we're just gonna have to get you a walker then, aren't we!?!”


Hentai: (C74) [Digital Lover (Nakajima Yuka)] DL-SOS soushuuhen (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)

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(C74) [なかじまゆか (なかじまゆか)]DL-SOS 総集編(涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱)

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